PL/2023/07628 Full Planning Permission
For: A single new sustainable development dwelling at the land behind Park House. Proposed access via approved planning application (PL/2022/08144) for proposed stables and access. A custom build for a 3 bedroom with 2 parking bays.
At: Park House, Clench Common, Marlborough, SN8 4DU
Assigned Officer: Meredith Baker
This application has been reviewed by the Planning Committee Chairman and two village representatives; it is likely to be one in which no objection will be made. As a result, it is not intended to hold a full meeting of the Planning Committee; the Parish Council response will be made by the Clerk under powers delegated to her.
However, if any Parish Councillor or member of the public thinks that this application should be considered by the full Planning Committee, please contact the Clerk within FOUR DAYS of the date of this notice. A meeting will then be called.
SIGNED S J Roberts Notice Dated: 20 September 2023.
Sophie Roberts (Parish Clerk 07897 797208)
Plans for the above application is available for viewing on the Wiltshire Council website.