Community Emergency Team

Community Emergency Team

Community Emergency Team

The Community Emergency Team has developed the Parish Emergency Plan to provide immediate assistance in the event of an unforeseen major emergency in which the public services are unable to cope temporarily: for example in the event of a severe snowfall, flooding or a prolonged power outage. The Emergency Plan covers the 3 villages in Parish; Fyfield (Upper and Lower) , Lockeridge and West Overton. The location that is designated for use as the Team’s base in an emergency situation is the Kennet Valley Hall. While the Parish Emergency Team is a formal Parish Council sub Committee and the Council has provided some funding to support its requirements and receives regular reports on progress. The Parish had been active in setting up its Emergency Plan several years ago and a Team was reconvened during 2017 with representatives from the 3 villages and the Kennet Valley Hall Management Committee. The Team re-established contact with a number of key agencies including Wiltshire County Council and the local Police and utility service suppliers. The emergency medical and communications kit was re checked and regular updates with ‘top tips’ are placed in the Upper Kennet News for local residents.

Contact Team Lead; Jill Turner,  . Mobile; 07900 223345